Kensington Moment



Kensington Moment


It is a special service unique to Kensington, which is available for Premier Deluxe and above room customers.

※ Premier Deluxe / Kensington Kids / Executive Premier / Prestige Suite / Kensington Suite ※


 You can choose from 4 Moments and use them once a day.

※ Available from the day of check-in to the day before check-out ※


Moment Details


| Time: 14:30 – 16:30

| Content: Two-tier tray of refreshments and two drinks

| Place: 2nd floor(Lobby Floor) / OHAS CAFE & BAR LOUNGE


| Time: 20:00 / Approximately 1 hour (pre-booking required)

| Content: Starlight Tour

| Place: Lobby Departure / Banzai-Cliff


| Time: 20:00 – 22:00

| Content: Charcuterie & Wine Set

| Place: 2nd floor(Lobby Floor) / OHAS CAFE & BAR LOUNGE

– The Starlight Moment based on advance reservation due to limited number of bus seats and may close early depending on the situation.

– Chilling-Moment is available for take-out on request / available in rooms & Infinity-Pool.

– In the Infinity-Pool, you can eat only room’s mini-bar and hotel’s dining menus. (No outside food or drink allowed)

– All moment benefits are subject to change depending on the situation, such as location, time, and content, all operational matters.

– The Kensington Moment is a free benefit offered within the stay period for certain rooms.

– If the Kensington Moment is not used, it will not be replaced with another product or refunded in cash. And if it is not used on the same day, the benefit will be extinguished. (You cannot change the date of use to another date.)

– If you are unable to use the Kensington Moment due to night flight boarding, the same rules apply once a day. (You can use it once a day after check-in.)

~ 12/31/2024
Room Sepecial Benefit

①Premier Deluxe / ②Kensington Kids / ③Executive Premier / ④Suite
Infinity Pool
Kensington Moment
Kids Laundry Room
Executive Lounge

01/01/2025 ~
Room Sepecial Benefit

ⓐRoyal / Premier Deluxe / Kensington Kids / Executive Premier / ⓔSuite
Free Minibar
Kensington Tote Bag
Infinity Pool
Kensington Moment
Kids Laundry Room
Executive Lounge